How To Prevent Rodents From Destroying Your Electrical Wires

Whether you own a vehicle, home, or both, the last thing you want to see inside it is a rodent. As we begin to face the colder weather, rats and mice start looking for food and warm shelter, and our houses make perfect havens for them. Not only will these pests attempt to chew up the wires that keep your house and car running, but if they do cross your path, they could carry a variety of serious diseases that put your health at risk.
While many of us already know the medical dangers of rodents infesting your property, they also can cause devastating damage to your home if they reach electrical wires. According to The National Fire Protection Associate, home fires that are caused by broken or compromised electrical wiring:
- Injure approximately 1,370 people each year
- Annually cause an estimated $1.5 billion in damage
- Kill over 390 people per year
It’s essential, possibly even life-saving, to make sure you’re preventing rodents from destroying your electrical wires both in your vehicle and at home. While our team at Palmetto Exterminators is always available for a free inspection to help you pinpoint any rodent problems, we’ve compiled our top tips to prevent them from destroying your electrical wiring, so you can get the most out of the things that keep your life moving.
Cover Up Wiring
Unlike humans, rodents’ teeth continue to grow throughout their lives, driving them to nibble on virtually anything. In order to keep their teeth at a manageable length, mice and rats chew constantly. Wires are particularly attractive to rodents, as their round shape is easy to hold onto as they gnaw on them.
If rats and mice show up on your property, try placing hard coverings like plastic or steel sleeves over top of your wires. While this will not get rid of rodents entirely, it will protect you from any possible electrical shortages or shredded wires due to rodent activity.
Set Traps Outside Your Car & Home
Cars and houses are some of the most attractive places for rodents to find food and shelter. Placing traps around your property helps to reduce their populations, and with fewer rodents around, your wires are in far less danger.
There are countless different types and styles of rodent traps on the market, including humane capture devices. If you have any questions about their reliability, which traps to purchase, or how to set them up for the most success, give Palmetto Exterminators a call and an experienced technician will help you select the traps that work the best for your property.
Use Taste or Smell Deterrent
If you’re not interested in using traps, spray-on rodent deterrents can also be effective. To prevent rodents from chewing on electrical wires, try spraying a strong-smelling essence like peppermint oil or Pine-Sol directly onto your wires. Some people also use mothballs in their cars or homes, as rodents despise the scent. Both of these options have a very unappealing smell and taste to rodents, and won’t affect the integrity of your wires.
Keep Food Out of the Car
While we all try our best to keep our cars clean, fast food wrappers, empty soda cans, and leftover lunch from work can add up quickly to a rodent issue. Make sure you routinely clean out your car’s interior, removing any kind of appealing smells or food for rodents.
Additionally, if you store your car in a garage, try not to store your garbage and pet food right near the vehicle. Rodents could decide to take shelter in your car after investigating the attractive food scents, so the further away they are, the better.
Seal Any Possible Entry Points to Your Home or Vehicles
Rodents are known to squeeze through very tiny spices, so check your home and vehicle for gaps that could welcome them in. Mice are able to compress or flatten their ribcages to fit through small openings, so even the smallest gaps could become entry points.
Make sure you’re closing any gaps in your home or vehicle with barriers such as woven wire mesh, silicone sealant, spray foam, or caulk. Palmetto Exterminators can also visit your property and thoroughly search for any possible rodent entry points.
Run Your Car Often, Even If You Don’t Use It Much
Rodents love dark, sheltered spots to wind down. When you start your vehicle, the sound, light, and motion make it a less attractive place to take shelter. Taking the car for a quick drive can shake loose any hidden nests and deter any critters from seeking it out for protection.
What Should You Do If None of These Methods Work?
While trying to repair or prevent chewed electrical wires on your own is always an option, doing so incorrectly may severely damage your car or home. If you do find chewed wires, make sure you call a certified technician or an auto body repair shop to directly address electrical issues.
If you notice continued rodent activity in your home, contact us as soon as possible. Our expert technicians can identify rodent activity while developing a personalized pest control solution for your home and budget.
Rodents multiply at rapid rates, so make sure to act fast. Give Palmetto Exterminators a call to schedule a free pest inspection and we’ll find the best pest control solution for you.