How to Prevent Winter Spider Invasions

Similar to many creatures, spiders need shelter to survive. Unfortunately for us, our warm and spacious homes look pretty inviting to eight-legged insects seeking shelter from chilling winter temperatures! Even more appealing to spiders than warmth, however, is the possibility of food. They often make their way into homes during the wintertime to find a new warm home and dinner from the crumbs of your leftovers. If you want to stay ahead of the winter spider invasions, here are a few preventative measures you can take.
Removing winter spider motivations
Most of the spiders you see in your home have probably been there their entire lives, but let’s discuss your new eight-legged friends who have only come in for the winter season. These spiders are usually hunting down sources of food. It’s nice that they’re taking care of other pests for you, but you would most likely prefer not to share your home with pests of any kind.
The first step in preventing winter spider invasions is to get rid of the bugs they’re chasing for dinner. Spiders will dine on cockroaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies, moths and more. Each spider has specific prey they’re most attracted to, but some general guidelines for all of these creatures is to clean up food remains and monitor sources of moisture. Regular home inspections and sanitation can help to keep all of these insects at bay, which will in turn remove the main temptations for spiders.
Even if you no longer have any of these pests living in your home, you might find some of their remains hanging around. To be sure, check for moths in closets that don’t get regular use, inspect window frames for ants and flies, and make a trip into the garage or basement for a quick sweep.
Deterring entry
Aside from removing the spiders’ food sources, you’ll want to prevent any further entry by spiders or other pests. Start by inspecting the perimeter of your home and look for any cracks or crevices in the foundation or walls, then seal those up with caulk.
After sealing up all cracks within your foundation, take a look at the doors and windows. If you find any tears in the screens or gaps between the windows or doors, you can repair the screens by installing weather stripping. However, don’t forget to check vents and utility entrances as well, as these become easy ways for bugs to enter your home.
If you have a garage or a shed, try to keep these areas free of clutter. Spiders like places where they can remain undisturbed and that pile of cardboard that you’ve been meaning to clean out for the past few months is a great place for both cockroaches and spiders to hang around. In short, make your home as inhospitable to pests as you can by keep areas clean and free from clutter.
Are you already dealing with a pest control problem or are you seeking more information about prevention? Contact Palmetto Exterminators to learn more about your next course of action.